There are so many pitfalls you just got to be careful. You shouldn’t boil the ocean. You know agile methodology is key here. You should just pick a minimum viable product and start with that and then go from there. Observe and learn and adopt be adaptable. Collaboration is key here. If business picks something without consulting with IT, or vice versa, it’s just not going to be very easy for that organization to embrace. Transparency and visibility is key and that’s one of key pillars of this methodology.
Exploring Shared Data Model and Notation (SDMN) and Its Role in BPM+
Exploring Shared Data Model and Notation (SDMN) and Its Role in BPM+ Introduction In the evolving landscape of Business Process Management (BPM), the introduction of Shared Data Model Notation (SDMN) marks a significant advancement. As businesses increasingly seek to...