According to Business Week’s Bruce Nussbaum, “There is, in fact, a whole new generation of innovation gurus. They are not the superstars of the ’90s, such as Clayton Christensen, who focused on what might be called macro-innovation – the impact of big, unexpected new technologies on companies. The new gurus focus more on micro-innovation – teaching companies how to connect with their customers’ emotions, linking research and development labs to consumer needs, recalibrating employee incentives to emphasize creativity, constructing maps showing opportunities for innovation.”
Unlock the Power of BPM+ in Decision-Making: Why DMN is a Game-Changer for BPM Professionals
Unlock the Power of BPM+ in Decision-Making: Why DMN is a Game-Changer for BPM Professionals Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is widely known for its ability to model and improve business processes through visualization and automation. However, as businesses...