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Our Need to Know series and our informational podcasts are great resources available to our community members and visitors to the site! Here, you can watch and listen to our Subject Matter Experts answer your questions relating to all things BPM, Digital Business, Business Architecture, and more. Our Need to Know series is divided into multiple segments, each covering a new topic from an experts point of view – make sure you check out all parts in each series. Have a topic you want us to cover? Get in touch!

Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 1- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Digital Transformation

In this 6 part video series, Gregg Rock discusses all things "Digital Transformation" with Dr. Setrag Khoshafian. Digital Transformation has many facets - from cultural transformation to deployment of various emerging digital technologies. You need to understand the methodologies for the transformative digital technologies that help business leaders alleviate Digital Transformation Debt. Technical departments avoid difficult re-work in favor of easy solutions. Digital Transformation Debt is much more severe. Ignoring it could be an existential threat, especially in this fast-paced and challenging post-COVID-19 milieu. You should be aware of the digital trends and have transformation roadmaps with platforms and digital methodology best practices.

Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 2- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Low Code / No Code

The new revolution in programming languages is Low Code/No Code, with platforms that provide tangible benefits for Citizen Developers (Business) and IT. Low Code/No Code enables robust, fast, and efficient development of applications in all categories: Web, Mobile, Enterprise, and others. It will help startups achieve accelerated development of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). It will also help Enterprises succeed in their Digital Transformation initiatives – with Low Code/No Code platforms and methodologies driving the change.

Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 3- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Process Mining

Process Mining is the new method for data-centric analysis, improvement, and execution of processes. Process Mining helps organizations discover and enhance real (vs. theorized or assumed) processes - with all its variants. Process Mining is a new process improvement and optimization approach that is data-centric and pragmatic. Organizations can identify substantive improvement opportunities through understanding and optimizing what really transpired in their processes. Process Mining can fill many of the gaps of traditional process improvement approaches by analyzing and understanding the process patterns (most frequent process paths and variations) in event logs obtained from the digital footprints of processes spanning multiple applications. The course will enable business leaders and business improvement practitioners to achieve tangible results with a much deeper understanding of Process Mining technologies, techniques, methodologies, and challenges.

Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 4- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Intelligent Automation

Enterprises need to understand the transformative potential of Intelligent Automation and create a pragmatic roadmap for Automation best practices. Intelligent Automation is a significant milestone in the evolution of Business Process Management. Process Mining can be followed with Intelligent Automation through software robots and process automation. Intelligent Automation can reduce the most mundane tasks and is undoubtedly being used for this purpose. More surprisingly, it is even being used for some not-so-mundane cognitive tasks. Intelligent Automation is a mega-trend: due to digitization and intelligent Automation, one-third of workers will need to learn new skills by 2030.

Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 5- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Citizen Developers

The new revolution in programming languages is Low Code/No Code, with platforms that provide tangible benefits for Citizen Developers (Business) and IT. Who are Citizen Developers? Everyone. In other words, anyone can become a developer with Low Code/No Code. That includes the subject matter experts and innovators in enterprises as well as founders in startups.

Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 6- Process Professionals Want to Know: Is BPM Dead? No!

The technologies have changed but the need for process optimization digitization automation will never go away. BPM has evolved. BPM is very essential. Many times organizations will have plans for the network layer, the cloud layer, the application layer and so on but the BPM layer is missing.

Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 1- BPMInstitute.org Announces Business Process Management Training for Latin America 2021 (en espanol)

Gregg Rock and Professor Juan David Henao discuss our newest installment of training courses, geared toward Latin America! This is a 5 part video series- be sure to check out all 5 installments. BPMInstitute.org announces online training event for Latin America. Core business process management (BPM) training to be delivered in Spanish. Course: November 19 to December 18, 2021.

To schedule a meeting, contact us here / Para programar una reunión, contáctenos aquí: https://www.bpminstitute.org/contact-us

Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 2- Business Process Management Training in Latin America Nov. 19 - Dec. 18 2021 (en espanol)

Professor Juan David Henao to deliver business process management (BPM) core courses in Spanish at BPMInstitute.org Bogota. Course: November 19 to December 18, 2021.

Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 3- The Business Process Management Methodology vs Other Approaches (en espanol)

Business Process Management is the definition, improvement and management of a firm’s end-to-end business processes in order to achieve three outcomes crucial to a performance-based, customer-driven firm: clarity on strategic direction, alignment of the firm’s resources, and increased discipline in daily operations.

Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 4- Comparing Business Process Management and Six Sigma (en espanol)

Since BPM leverages the use of information technology in areas such as modeling, workflow, rules management, analytics and simulation, the practice of BPM also varies depending on the source of the enabling IT that is being employed.

Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 5- Featured Business Process Management Courses and Certification in Latin America (en espanol)

Business Process Management 101 BPM 101 is the foundational course for those starting their BPM journey. It presents an overview of process modeling, analysis, design, the technologies in BPM and the role of BPM in digital transformation.

BPM 101 is the cornerstone course of the BPM curriculum. It has recently been updated to reflect the evolution in new tools and technologies as well as the central role of BPM in digital transformation. It is especially useful for people new to BPM. It provides an overview of BPM as both a management discipline and as a set of enabling technologies and it establishes the foundation for the BPM courses that follow.

Process Modeling, Analysis and Design Achieving success with BPM relies upon skill in process modeling, analysis and design. This course equips you with the practical, applied knowledge to lead/facilitate process improvement projects.

Modeling, analysis and design skills are indispensable to BPM success. In this course you will acquire a solid understanding and develop skill in practical techniques for process modeling, analysis and design. Beginning with a section on modeling, you will gain insight on how to depict business processes via maps and models in order to prepare for the analysis and improvement of business process performance.

Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 1- What is Business Architecture?

In this 6 part video interview series, Gregg Rock and Ed Hunt will discuss all things you 'Need to Know' about Business Architecture! This series will break down how Business Architecture enables execution, relates to IT, improves business outcomes, is connected to digital business, and assists with strategy. Business Architecture is a holistic view of the enterprise that integrates and aligns capabilities; people, process, tools, and information. It provides blueprints and models of the business to make decisions related to vision through execution, and it enables key stakeholders to align all levels of the organization on purpose, mission, vision, strategy, and execution.

Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 2- Why is Business Architecture Important to IT Delivery?

Today’s businesses are a collection of interdependent complex operations organized to provide value to a customer and each business entity is competing within a larger business ecosystem in which it must offer a unique value proposition in order to remain relevant in the market. It nearly all cases, IT is essential (either directly or indirectly) to enabling consistent, reliable, and efficient delivery of the product or service. The business architecture models provide a clear basis for the IT leadership, program office, business analysts, architects, developers, and testers to develop and deliver solutions that are aligned with the business value proposition.

Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 3- How Does Business Architecture Improve Business Outcomes?

Business architecture doesn’t define strategy but it can often enhance and enable strategy. In addition to closing requirement gaps and improving communication, business architecture practices enhance and enable business strategy by maximizing the value technology investments by leveraging common capabilities and illustrating how new technology can be leveraged to increase operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 4- What is the Connection between Business Architecture and Digital Transformation?

Learn how business architecture allows an organization to understand the operational complexity of the business. Gain a better understanding of how to leverage business architecture, to identify the impact of business processes, data structures and organizational models. The product folks the business management leaders, the operations teams and the technology teams to come to a common understanding of how the organization needs to be transformed – this can’t be done successfully without business architecture.

Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 5- How does Business Architecture Enable Execution?

Organizations understand and appreciate the need for technical architects. We're using new tools and we need experts in those technologies. Organizations have deep capabilities in program management. They understand that resources have to be managed, schedules have to be aligned, risks have to be managed. But in too many organizations the focus on business architecture is the gap. Business architecture is the third leg of the stool. When those three organizations (program management, technical architecture and business architecture) are working collaboratively when the business architecture is understanding the operational complexity of the business in defining that solution, you have an excellent chance of succeeding.

Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 6- How does Business Architecture Assist Organizations from Strategy to Execution?

Business architecture helps across the organization and one of the most important ways is its use of models to convey concepts of the organization. It begins with capabilities all the way through process information. Understanding it helps an organization understand the operation complexity. The business has a real clear idea of what they do and they might have an idea of what they want to do. But the hard part is solving the business problem.

Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 1- How to be strategic about Learning & Development

Gregg Rock interviews Matt Donovan and Kevin Vautrinot from Accelare about their new Learning and Development e-book.

Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 2- Strategic Learning & Development Program Overview

Many organizations treat Learning and Development as a bolt-on afterthought. To truly be successful, organizations need to identify skills needed, a plan to create trainings, develop or leverage an LMS and create a communications plan among other things. Matt and Kevin created their e-book as a blueprint for creating a Learning and Development Program.

Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 3- Why build a learning & development program?

Learning and Development programs solve business problems. Organizations use learning and development internally to solve problems throughout the employee lifecycle. They help address problems with onboarding new-hires, managing the employee, and ending employment. There are also external benefits to using learning and development outside of your organization, perhaps with your customer base or your user base.

Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 4- The biggest hurdle to building a Learning & Development capability

There is a disconnect, or lack of communication, between strategic business leaders and learning and development professionals.

Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 5- The #1 misconception of implementing an Learning & Development program

The biggest misconception is that you can't just buy good learning and development. It's not as simple as buying an LMS and you're done. You can’t outsource it either. You need to understand what skills are needed for the business to succeed, and you need to understand your people. You need a holistic and thoughtful strategy, design, and execution.

Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 6- How to evaluate and improve your Learning & Development program

Start by asking these questions: Do you have big skills gaps with your people? Do you have a plan to close those skills gaps? How does your internal staff deliver value? Are the skills that you're trying to develop lead directly to business value? From the business perspective, what has changed and do we need to adjust our approach? Identify the pain points in an organization. Target what the gaps are, formulate a plan to close them. If you do have a L&D program, offer learning opportunities that your employees want to take part in.

Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 7- Learning & Development: Tools & techniques to identify skills gaps

Individuals aren’t great at identifying their shortcomings. One way to identify skills gaps is setting goals and then determining whether or not we’re hitting those goals/objectives. This can then be evaluated with a manager. It’s also important to create a culture of learning, equity, and inclusivity. Approach skills gaps through a self-assessment at the organizational level, department level, and the individual level. Organizations need to create a safe environment for employees to be honest with their self-assessments and skills gap

Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 1 - Low Code / No Code for process professionals

Tune in as Gregg Rock interviews BPM expert George Barlow on how the Low Code / No Code implementation is transforming the corporate landscape, specifically highlighting the challenges of finding quality developers. This 5 part video series will tell you what you 'need to know' about implementing digital transformation. George will dive deeper into this topic in his upcoming Low Code / No Code course that he is running later in late April 2022.

Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 2 - Process Automation for process professionals

For an organization to fully utilize Process Automation, they must understand the tools for automation and how to deploy those tools in the most effective way. George Barlow will discuss how Process Automation plays a larger role as a pillar of digital transformation with ties to Low Code / No Code, Decision Automation, and Hyperautomation. Each topic will be further explored in George’s upcoming Process Automation course in April 2022.

Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 3- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for process professionals

More and more we are seeing organizations adopting AI and Machine Learning to improve business processes and capabilities. But what does their implementation mean? Tune in as Gregg Rock and George Barlow discuss how AI and Machine Learning can impact core business processes. These topics will be further explored in George’s Digital Transformation course in April 2022—register now to learn more!

Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 4 - Decision Automation for process professionals

Join Gregg Rock and George Barlow as they talk about how new automation technologies have impacted decision management, business rules management systems, and case management within organizations.

Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 5 - Migration to cloud computing for process professionals

Over the last decade, organizations have been migrating to Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing has seen immense growth and development in recent years, with new capabilities that are attractive to organizations, specifically as it pertains to processes, IOT, resource development, sales, and marketing.

Need To Know Series; Top 5 Things to Know About Business Architecture with Simona Lovin: Part 1 - Gregg Rock interviews Simona Lovin about her extensive business architecture career

Simona has been a contributor and member of our institute since 2016. She's going to share her experiences around business architecture.

Need To Know Series; Top 5 Things to Know About Business Architecture with Simona Lovin: Part 2 - What does business architecture mean for you?

"Gravitating towards business architecture has really been like a natural evolution. I quickly realized that analyzing and distilling the customers’ requirements was a lot more interesting than coding the spec. And then, moreover, understanding the “why” behind the requirements and the needs that drove the requirements was even more interesting."

Need To Know Series; Top 5 Things to Know About Business Architecture with Simona Lovin: Part 3 - Do organizations understand the value of business architecture?

From what I’ve seen, organizations that are rich in workflows and in business roles, such as insurers, claims adjudicators, lenders, and transportation companies tend to have a greater appreciation for what business architecture can provide.

Need To Know Series; Top 5 Things to Know About Business Architecture with Simona Lovin: Part 4 - What will raise the profile of the business architecture discipline?

Business architects come in a variety of specialties, and I think we need to recognize that you have strategists.

Need To Know Series; Top 5 Things to Know About Business Architecture with Simona Lovin: Part 5 - When does business architecture make a difference?

In essence, what Business Architects do is rebuilding the data and the system architecture of the organization from the ground up, starting from the business layer.

Need To Know Series; Top 5 Things to Know About Business Architecture with Simona Lovin: Part 6 - What does the future holds for business architecture?

I think what we're seeing is that organizations are subject to continuous change and that change happens in a nonlinear fashion. The speed of change in the external environment surrounding today's organization has accelerated.

Need To Know Series; How BPM Can Enable a Career in Digital Transformation with Ahmet Akal: Part 1 - The Role BPM Can Play in Your Career

Tune in as Gregg Rock interviews Ahmet Akal about his experiences using his BPM knowledge in his career...On the way to becoming a BPMP with BPMInsitute.org, I could confidently say that we were able to shave off significant time from the process and activate and recognize revenue as much earlier. This was a game changing, transformative thing for us.

Need To Know Series; How BPM Can Enable a Career in Digital Transformation with Ahmet Akal: Part 2 - How BPM leads to Process Mining and Predictive Analytics

As we started listening to the voice of the process, we started to see the weakest links. Those were the opportunities that we had to look into.

Need To Know Series; How BPM Can Enable a Career in Digital Transformation with Ahmet Akal: Part 3 - Lessons Learned from BPM

BPM methodology really establishes a healthy cadence and that cadence is necessary for collaboration and for transformative process improvement.

Need To Know Series; How BPM Can Enable a Career in Digital Transformation with Ahmet Akal: Part 4 - Recommendations for Getting Started in BPM

There are so many pitfalls you just got to be careful. You shouldn't boil the ocean. You know agile methodology is key here. You should just pick a minimum viable product and start with that and then go from there. Observe and learn and adopt be adaptable. Collaboration is key here. If business picks something without consulting with IT, or vice versa, it's just not going to be very easy for that organization to embrace. Transparency and visibility is key and that's one of key pillars of this methodology.

Featured Certificate: BPM Specialist

Everyone starts here.

You're looking for a way to improve your process improvement skills, but you're not sure where to start.

Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will give you the competitive advantage you need in today's world. Our courses help you deliver faster and makes projects easier.

Your skills will include building hierarchical process models, using tools to analyze and assess process performance, defining critical process metrics, using best practice principles to redesign processes, developing process improvement project plans, building a center of excellence, and establishing process governance.

The BPMS Certificate is the perfect way to show employers that you are serious about business process management. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you'll be able to take your business career to the next level.

Learn more about the BPM Specialist Certificate





  • Business Process Management Specialist
  • Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will provide you with a distinct competitive advantage in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you’ll be able to take your business career to the next level.
  • BPM Professional Certificate
    Business Process Management Professional
  • Earning your Business Process Management Professional (BPMP) Certificate will elevate your expertise and professional standing in the field of business process management. Our BPMP Certificate is a tangible symbol of your achievement, demonstrating your in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management.


BPM Certification

  • Make the most of your hard-earned skills. Earn the respect of your peers and superiors with Business Process Management Certification from the industry's top BPM educational organization.




  • Operational Excellence Specialist
  • Earning your Operational Excellence Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.


OpEx Professional Certificate

  • Operational Excellence Professional
  • Earn your Operational Excellence Professional Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.



  • Agile BPM Specialist
  • Earn your Agile BPM Specialist Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving business process management (BPM) with agile methodologies. You’ll gain a strong understanding of how to apply agile principles and concepts to business process management initiatives.  

Business Architecture



  • Business Architecture Specialist
  • The Business Architecture Specialist (BAIS) Certificate is proof that you’ve begun your business architecture journey by committing to the industry’s most meaningful and credible business architecture training program.

  • Business Architecture Professional
  • When you earn your Business Architecture Professional (BAIP) Certificate, you will be able to design and implement a governance structure for your organization, develop and optimize business processes, and manage business information effectively.

BA CertificationCertification

  • Make the most of your hard-earned skills. Earn the respect of your peers and superiors with Business Architecture Certification from the industry's top BPM educational organization.




  • Digital Transformation Specialist
  • Earning your Digital Transformation Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. 


  • Digital Transformation Professional
  • The Digital Transformation Professional Certificate is the first program in the industry to cover all the key pillars of Digital Transformation holistically with practical recommendations and exercises.



  • Agile Business Analysis Specialist
  • Earning your Agile Business Analysis Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in the world of agile software development.


  • DAS Certificate
  • Decision Automation Specialist
  • Earning your Decision Automation Certificate will empower you to excel in the dynamic field of automated decision-making, where data-driven insights are pivotal to driving business innovation and efficiency.