Resources in Operational Excellence (OPEX)

Our focus on Operational Excellence (OE) is on the alignment of strategies, processes, performers, measures, technologies and management to achieve and sustain outstanding levels of performance of the entire enterprise.

Our belief is that Operational Excellence is achievable only when an organization has defined the major elements that affect performance and aligned them (which often means redesigning them) to support strategies and goals.

Just as often the task of alignment also means ridding the organization of things (practices, policies, organization structures) that impede Operational Excellence.

Displaying 254 - 263 of 263 resources matching your criteria.

Solving the Enterprise Information Integration Puzzle

There are multiple types of integration problems. Information integration problems pertain to the class of problems where users need access to disparate data through the lens of the needs of business. This session will discuss a methodology and a case study of an approach toward information integration by associating common business vernacular with key pieces of data and processes.

Web Enabling Self-Service Business Processes

Every one of us can recount stories of projects that dropped into a black hole or got caught in red tape. How we submitted an application that fell through the cracks. How cross functional projects were not completed well or on time. How, after repeated phone calls, we were asked once again to state the original problem.These stories relate to people-intensive processes—processes that involve subjective decision-making, human coordination, unanticipated exceptions and are integral to virtually every organization.

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