Resources in Operational Excellence (OPEX)

Our focus on Operational Excellence (OE) is on the alignment of strategies, processes, performers, measures, technologies and management to achieve and sustain outstanding levels of performance of the entire enterprise.

Our belief is that Operational Excellence is achievable only when an organization has defined the major elements that affect performance and aligned them (which often means redesigning them) to support strategies and goals.

Just as often the task of alignment also means ridding the organization of things (practices, policies, organization structures) that impede Operational Excellence.

Displaying 21 - 30 of 263 resources matching your criteria.

Meet the Author: Kimberly Watson-Hemphill, Innovating Lean Six Sigma

In this webcast, author Kimberly Watson-Hemphill will share some highlights from her new book, Innovating Lean Six Sigma (McGraw-Hill, 2016), and provide practical tips every business leader can use to get more from their Lean Six Sigma deployment. Special Offer for Members
Get your copy of Innovating Lean Six Sigma at 45% off the list price. Take advantage of this offer

Lean Six Sigma and Business Process Management – Better Together

Making the case for OpEx and BPM

The integration of Operational Excellence, which relies on a proven, systematic set of tools in Lean Six Sigma, and Business Process Management (BPM), which relies on a systemic view and a technology enabled approach is likely to create greater value for both customers and the company. The integration and consolidation of these two approaches to process improvement will not only identify and eliminate waste, it will also align and better utilize information systems, promote cross departmental collaboration and keep the customer front and center throughout.

An Introduction to Operational Excellence

Process Ownership

The Life Cycle of BPM Centers of Excellence - Part 2

Organizational Alignment

The Life Cycle of BPM Centers of Excellence - Part 1

Leadership as a Process

What to do in BPM When You are Starting, Growing or Dying

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