Resources in Operational Excellence (OPEX)

Our focus on Operational Excellence (OE) is on the alignment of strategies, processes, performers, measures, technologies and management to achieve and sustain outstanding levels of performance of the entire enterprise.

Our belief is that Operational Excellence is achievable only when an organization has defined the major elements that affect performance and aligned them (which often means redesigning them) to support strategies and goals.

Just as often the task of alignment also means ridding the organization of things (practices, policies, organization structures) that impede Operational Excellence.

Displaying 151 - 160 of 263 resources matching your criteria.

Implementing BPM - Reports from the Field

2:15 11-8-2006 This presentation will present highlights of recent research including the following:
  • Are firms developing increasing skill in improving and managing large cross-functional business processes?
  • What are some of the major 'mental model' obstacles in deploying BPM?
  • How to engage leaders in managing enterprise business processes?
  • Why is the role of the right [customer oriented] performance metrics so essential?

BPM Suites & SOA

Business process management tools offer organizations the ability to significantly improve business processes, reaping improved productivity and customer service in the process. However, in many cases, the same technology that supports BPM can also be used to develop composite applications and support a service-oriented architecture. This session will explore how these technologies relate to one another, discuss developing trends and look at case studies of organizations that have implemented these advanced features.

Globalization and the Innovation Imperative

8:30 11-8-2006 What strikes fear in the hearts of business leaders these days? Globalization and commoditization.

Six Sigma and Business Process Management Attain Results

3:15 11-7-2006 Why Business Process Management and Six Sigma are needed in today’s business environment? This talk will provide an overview of both Six Sigma and BPM to indicate where there are synergies between the two types of programs. BPM builds the framework to create strategic alignment, measure business processes using metrics aligned to business goals, and identify performance gaps that have a major impact on the customer and on achieving desired business results.

Case Study: Enterprise Process & Business Performance

So much of what is addressed in Process Management is, at bottom, driven by the demand for an enterprise to Perform. That performance, when optimal, is directed by customer value outcomes. What has been missing is an overall strategic framework in which 4 identified key dimensions can actually be realized. We’ll explore the 4 dimensions of Human, Capital, Information, and Processes and the related instruments which drive performance results.

The Role of Business Rules in Enterprise Architecture

11:30 11-8-2006 When we consider the role of Business Rules in Enterprise Architecture, we soon discover that – contrary to many popular schema – Business Rules are neither a component of the process model of the enterprise, not are they simply constraints that exist at the lower layers of the architecture. Using The Zachman Framework and KPI's RMM™ (Rule Maturity Model) we are able to properly construct the role of Business Rules within the Enterprise Architecture that fully supports MDA (Model Driven Architecture).

Case Study: Key Learnings From CAM-I’s Process Based Management Case Study Series

The Time Lens

Case Study: Realize Your Competitive Advantage! Why Businesses Like Yours are Linking ERM and BPM to Gain Truly Innovative Results

The three key tenets of Business Process Management have been people, process and technology. Now with the introduction of Sarbannes-Oxley, HIPAA, etc. there is a critical need to focus on the fourth tenet within business processes: controls. How can your organization build controls into business processes in order to not only meet regulatory or compliance requirements but also realize competitive advantage - come to this discussion for an innovative discussion on the new Business Process Management.

Enterprise Architecture-Business - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Faced with a significantly expanded mission following the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the FBI has recognized it must change the way it does business if it is to succeed in protecting the American people from another terrorist attack. One of the Director's mandates was to ensure that the business process owners, not the technologists, determined the FBI's business processes and requirements for the next generation of an information management and case management system. This presentation will discuss the FBI’s Business Process Management strategy, highlight current reengineering activities and some of the lessons learned.

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