Visual Management in Enterprise Excellence Deployment

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A “Next Level Evolution” model for Operational Excellence to integrate with Business Transformation under the broader concept of Enterprise Excellence was discussed in article in May 2017 1. The impact of a standardized Stage-Gate Process for Innovation and New Product introduction was detailed in April 2018. 2


As Part of a Business Transformation and Enterprise Excellence strategy, how can the tools and techniques of Operational Excellence be integrated into Business Strategy?

A foundation package of Operational Excellence tools and techniques that should be fundamental to all Business Strategy and Transformation efforts that are part of an Enterprise Excellence deployment strategy is shown below:

The Enterprise Excellence Model can be visualized as a process for Business Strategy (“Planning the Business”), Process Improvement (“Running the Business”), and Continuous Improvement/Transformation (“Solving Business Problems & Advancing Opportunities”):

Let’s take a deeper look at the methodology and set of tools/techniques of Visual Management from an Enterprise Excellence view.

How can Visual Management be integrated into Business Strategy?

In "Planning the Business", consider the key elements of (1) Business Vision, Strategy & Tactics, (2) Stakeholder and Business Engagement on KPIs, (3) Business Values focus on KBIs, and (4) Organizational Design enabling delivery of the Business Strategy:


Examples of Visual Management Techniques in "Planning the Business" include (1) Visual Management centers for leadership & associate engagements at HQ, sites, and departments, (2) Visual Communications on “Mission, Vision, Values”, “Goals and Objectives”; (3) Visual Dashboards & Balanced Scorecards, (4) Hoshin Kanri A3s and X-Matrix Views of cascaded business strategy through business units, and (5) Visual Displays of ongoing programs and projects driving quality, savings, efficiencies, safety, and compliance across the business:


How can Visual Management be integrated into Running the Business Processes? 

In "Running the Business", consider the key elements of (1) End to End Process Views, (2) Focus on Mission Critical Systems and Processes, (3) Business Continuity and Life Cycle Management, and (4) Integration of Business KPIs and KBIs:


Visual Management Techniques in "Running the Business" that reinforce how the Business Strategy is delivered include (1) Process Mapping made visible to all as part of their daily work flow, (2) Changing the Culture through Operational Excellence Visual Displays across the business, (3) Data Analytics both graphical and statistical linking data to process capability, (4) Dashboards and Visual Displays at team areas to drive team and leadership engagement/dialog, and (5) Team Recognition, process and business dashboards, and idea suggestion boards to engage all associates including Leadership during Gemba walk discussions:

How can Visual Management be integrated into Solving Business Problems/Advancing Opportunities? 

In "Solving Business Problems & Advancing Opportunities", consider the key elements of (1) End to End Process Value focus, (2) Life Cycle Management of people, processes, products, & assets, (3) Best in Class Performance in both Process Indicators (KPIs) and Behavior Indicators (KBIs), and (4) A Culture of Excellence:

Visual Management Techniques can be a powerful factor in "Solving Business Problems & Advancing Opportunities" through (1) Team engagement/dashboard review sessions, (2) Process Value Steam Mapping to link Operational Excellence efforts through Visual Management of current vs. future state, (3) Quarterly Reports created/endorsed by senior Leadership distributed throughout the organization – highly visual, highlighting results and team recognition, (4) Project Recognition Events-Poster Board Sessions, (5) Making Key Process Indicators (KPIs) visible and linked to spotlighting successes, and (6) linking Business Performance and Key Behavior Indices (KBIs) through performance reviews via visual status:

For more in-depth knowledge and skills, there are numerous books and articles about Visual Management Methodology, Tools, and Techniques.3-10

What would you like to see in future articles on how Best-In-Class companies are leveraging the methodologies, tools and techniques of Enterprise Excellence for success?  



  1. 1.     “OpEx-PART OF or SEPARATE FROM Business Transformation?”, Leonard R Hepp,, May 11 2017.
  2. 2.     Stage Gate Process Tools & Techniques Within Enterprise Excellence”, Leonard R Hepp,,  April 1, 2018.
  3. 3.     Visual Management Tools & Techniques … on-line summary at
  4. 4.     Visual Workplace … on-line summary at

  1. 5.     5S Methodology, Tools & Techniques… on-line summaries at

  1. 6.     Visual Controls  … on-line summaries at

  1. 7.     Power Point Overview of Visual Management Tools & Techniques…
  2. 8.     “Visual Controls: Applying Visual Management to the Factory”, ISBN# 9781439820902
    Authors: Chris A. Ortiz & Murry Park, Published: December 22, 2010
  3. 9.     “Visual Project Management”by Paul Williams, ISBN-13: 9781312827165, Publisher:
  4. 10.  “Visual Analytics for Management : Translational Science and Applications in Practice”, edited by Elliot Bendoly & Sacha Clark, ISBN: 9781138190719, Publisher: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group


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