Resources in Operational Excellence (OPEX)

Our focus on Operational Excellence (OE) is on the alignment of strategies, processes, performers, measures, technologies and management to achieve and sustain outstanding levels of performance of the entire enterprise.

Our belief is that Operational Excellence is achievable only when an organization has defined the major elements that affect performance and aligned them (which often means redesigning them) to support strategies and goals.

Just as often the task of alignment also means ridding the organization of things (practices, policies, organization structures) that impede Operational Excellence.

Displaying 231 - 240 of 263 resources matching your criteria.

Six Sigma and Business Process Management = Result$

This talk will provide an overview of both Six Sigma and BPM to indicate where there are synergies between the two types of programs. BPM builds the framework to create strategic alignment, measure business processes using metrics aligned to business goals, and identify performance gaps that have a major impact on the customer and on achieving desired business results. Six Sigma can be used as the vehicle to implement the methodology, prioritize the projects, stabilize the processes and close the gaps.

BPM & SOA: A Look Into The Future

Business Process Management offers organizations the ability to significantly improve business processes, reaping improved productivity and customer service in the process. However, the same technology that supports BPM can also be used to implement composite applications and service-oriented architecture. This session will explore these additional capabilities by looking at case studies of organizations that have implemented these advanced features.

The Compliance Journey - Balancing Risk and Controls with Business Improvement

Compliance with government regulations has forced organizations to look at their businesses in a new light. Leaders are beginning to leverage their compliance efforts in order to drive concurrent business improvements. These improvements may not only help a business perform better, but may also fundamentally reinforce the primary purpose of regulatory mandates – improved transparency into business management along with bolstered investor & market confidence. This presentation will explore the dual focus that is required in today’s marketplace.

Applying Process Performance Technology for Operational Excellence

Time: 2:00 PM 6-28-2005 Companies are recognizing today, more than ever, the importance of operational alignment in overall company success and how improved processes can provide a foundation for executives to improve execution effectiveness. One of the keys to that effectiveness is alignment of operational plans and actions with corporate performance objectives. In recent years the technology that automates collaboration, share plans and applies analytics for performance improvement has blossomed.

Process Performance: The Marriage of Performance Management and Business Process Management

Achieving optimal performance and results of your business should be absolutely essential to your Business Process Management efforts. This focus on results is the basis for Performance Management and what is required to maximize Process Performance. Unfortunately most organizations just focus on productivity improvement for efficiency gains. To reach your full potential having the right level of Process Performance and focus on effectiveness will help you reach your full potential.

BPM – The Rummler Perspective: Improving Organization Results

Time: 8:35 6-28-2005 The understanding that cross-functional processes are the mechanism for delivering value to customers is the greatest management breakthrough of the last 75 years. However, the potential of this important idea to assist executives in the effective management of their organizations remains largely untapped.

The Three "R's" of Information Risk Management

The three “R’s” of information risk management:
  • Risk Metrics
  • Risk Measurement
  • ROI
These are the three core elements of information risk management. Of course these can be subdivided into their respective elements, and, key to their utility, business utility, that is, is their facility for supporting the identification of the ROI (return on investment) of sound information security. Each of these core elements of information risk management is discussed below.

Applying Process Design Principles

Process design principles are distilled best practices from world-class organizations. By using design principles, a team can craft a new process, which in many instances achieves a 50% reduction in time and cost and with much higher quality. In this presentation, case studies will highlight the use of design principles from the author’s own experience.

Case Study: Is Your Business Process Model Earning its Keep or Just Another Pretty Picture?

This session will discuss key components of an enterprise-wide process model and how one organization is using their model to not only understand and improve how their business operates but to make key strategic and operational decisions. A comprehensive process model can help you answer such questions as:
  • Which core business processes will be impacted by the latest IT project?
  • What is the impact of staffing adjustments to the business?

BPM – The Path To Becoming an Adaptive Organization

Time: 9:20 6-28-2005 Seeking operational excellence, leading companies are integrating and optimizing end-to-end business processes spanning functional silos and crossing traditional IT systems' boundaries. In addition to requiring a good integration strategy this trend is forcing companies to adopt process orientation and explore Business Process Management as a technology to orchestrate, optimize and increase the flexibility of critical business processes.

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