Resources in Operational Excellence (OPEX)

Our focus on Operational Excellence (OE) is on the alignment of strategies, processes, performers, measures, technologies and management to achieve and sustain outstanding levels of performance of the entire enterprise.

Our belief is that Operational Excellence is achievable only when an organization has defined the major elements that affect performance and aligned them (which often means redesigning them) to support strategies and goals.

Just as often the task of alignment also means ridding the organization of things (practices, policies, organization structures) that impede Operational Excellence.

Displaying 171 - 180 of 263 resources matching your criteria.

Business Process Management, SOA & Composite Applications

Business process management tools offer organizations the ability to significantly improve business processes, reaping improved productivity and customer service in the process. However, in many cases, the same technology that supports BPM can also be used to develop composite applications and support a service-oriented architecture. This session will explore how these technologies relate to one another, discuss developing trends and look at case studies of organizations that have implemented these advanced features.

Analysis: Isn't that for smart people?

Process Management Approach Leads to Competitive Government

Problems Implementing a Balanced Scorecard

The Marriage of Performance and Data Governance

Everybody understands the need for performance management to ensure their initiative sustainability but few walk the talk. The key to successful performance monitoring lie in the tie between your process governance and your data governance. Clear processes are needed to ensure the capture of the data needed to provide the desired business intelligence. Often these processes are in addition to the process already under review. As performance management is your strongest change management allies it is important for whoever care about sustainability to ensure that this get done properly. In this presentation you will learn a simple approach to ensure that your process work is in sync with your data work and hopefully increase your chance to deliver a project with clear and manageable metrics.

Insights on the Road to Implementing Process Based Management

The presentation will detail insights from case studies and ongoing research by the CAM–I Program including: 1) Key principles of Process Based Management. 2) The key learnings from the case studies. 3) An assessment framework to determine how an organization is doing on the road to becoming a process – based organization. 4) Current research on the Implementation Roadmap

Reengineering State Government – Rhode Island Case Study

Discussion of the State of Rhode Island’s Fiscal Fitness Reengineering effort. Topics would include:
  • Current challenges facing the State
  • Fiscal Fitness Program, mission, goals and objectives
  • Methodology Used
  • Project Organization
  • Results to Date
  • Lessons Learned
  • Open discussion
  • Case Study: Business Aligned Decision Framework Approach Provides a "Disruptive" Enabler for Dramatic Improvements in Business Process Management

    While organizations may recognize the importance of Business Process Management, the question is "where is the focus!" Most gated business and engineering processes are focused on the "stop the bleeding" or "go-no go" gate decisions. The decision-centric process that will be discussed in this presentation is focused on the value creating decisions between the gates. Document-based processes focus on document artifacts as the control point (e.g., whitepapers, spreadsheets, PowerPoint's, static models, …) whereas Information/knowledge-based processes (a.k.a. decision-centric processes) focus on value creation and thinking nodes as the control points, where documents are not the focus of the process, but just a view or snapshot into the process. In addition, business, technical, and market requirements that should be driving the process are often incomplete or missing until far into the development cycle. To make things worse, the documents and forms that are used to pass the requirements to the implementation teams are often missing the rationale behind the choices and trade-offs made up-stream, with this resulting ambiguity leading to unnecessary re-work, delay and ultimately escaped defects, being introduced by the implementation teams. This presentation introduces a Decision Framework that supports this decision-centric process. The method organizes and communicates value-added thinking as "Decision Networks." Decision Networks provide a scalable approach for dealing with the complex relationships among many layers of requirements and solutions.

    Aligning Organizational Performance

    Achieving organizational results is not due to the technical elegance of an organization’s measurement system but whether the right things are measured and whether managers know what to do with the performance feedback they receive. In this presentation, a model is provided that has been used in numerous corporations to assist managers at multiple levels to align their goals, measures, and actions to ensure consistent achievement of organizational results.

    Creating the "To Be" Process

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